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9 Simple Tips for a Beautiful Walk


On the one hand, the gait in each of us was originally genetically laid down, but it changes during our life. What influences our gait? It depends on many factors: the structural features of the musculoskeletal system, the condition of the bones and joints, and entrenched motor habits. Gait is influenced by lifestyle, the degree of physical activity, possible injuries, and diseases. Some people are more affected by these causes, some less.

But, as it turns out, the emotional factor also has a lot to do with gait. Psychological problems, mood swings, and inner self-awareness are reflected in the grace and plasticity of gait and speak eloquently about how you perceive yourself. A gait with a lowered head and shoulders not only speaks of a sad mood. It directly affects the physical condition – the chest shrinks, squeezing the heart and lungs, which begin to work in the wrong mode, and the whole body receives blood in which there is less oxygen than necessary.

To get rid of a bad mood, people are often advised to change their thoughts and attitudes towards life. But a new study by scientists from the Canadian Institute for Advanced Study has shown that if you change your walk, you can improve your mood and become happier.

Gait is a complex, “team” work of the muscles of the legs, torso, arms, neck, and head. It is influenced by many factors: heredity, character, and state of health. Looking closely at how a person walks, you can determine what he is sick with. And also what problems he may face in the near future. Want to improve your gait? Here are some simple tips:

1. Strengthening the Muscles of the Legs and the Whole Body

The best method is daily gymnastics with a gradual increase in load. But if there is not enough time at all, you will have to be creative: refuse the elevator, squat in front of the TV, or, for example, wear special shoes to tone the muscles.

2. Stretching


Stretching requires even greater accuracy and gradualness, combined with regularity and perseverance. On the other hand, you do not need to make excessive efforts – it can even be pleasant to do a set of stretching exercises before going to bed. Gradually, the muscles and ligaments should become more elastic, and the gait should become more natural.

3. Don’t Forget the Massage

Don’t underestimate massage. It improves metabolism and blood flow to the muscles, while removing stiffness and tightness, due to which your movements become clumsy. After all, if you have chronic tension in the shoulder girdle or lower back, this cannot but affect your gait.

4. Look after yourself

Get used to constantly controlling your posture when walking. It is advisable to put the leg on the entire foot. Clubfoot or excessive turning of the feet with the toes outward is not allowed. Do not shuffle, do not roll forward, backward, or sideways. Don’t wiggle your hips. Don’t slouch. Do not mince or step too far. Your movements must be harmonious!

5. Avoid Fatigue

Fatigue is the enemy of the right gait. Try not to overwork, follow a healthy regimen, and let your legs rest. Many people like the prone position with their legs raised above their heads – you can put a pillow under them, for example. And it is better not to bring the legs to swell and the appearance of a feeling of heaviness.

6. Comfortable Shoes


This means the right size for you, a secure fit on your foot, a flexible and lightweight sole, and “breathable” materials. No calluses and scuffs: the habit of limping or clubfoot is developed quickly, but getting rid of it is then much more difficult! Choose comfortable women’s boots for every day wisely.

7. Be Careful with Heels

Don’t spend all day in heels. In addition to the elementary inconvenience, this leads to deformation of the foot, improper distribution of the load on the muscles of the legs, and also harms the knee joints. And if you really need heels, choose at least not too high.

8. Do not Carry Heavy Bags in One Hand

The load on the spine should be distributed as evenly as possible, otherwise, a curvature may occur. If you are carrying a heavy bag or suitcase, change your hand more often. Better yet, put everything in a comfortable backpack.

9. Move More

The development of the right culture of movement is facilitated by various sports, dances, and other physical activities. To develop balance, go skiing, skating, or rollerblading. Take bike rides. Swim in the pool. Find what’s right for you!

In addition, in the summer it is useful to walk more barefoot – on grass, pebbles, or beach sand. This helps to relax the foot, slow down the development of flat feet and reduce stress. Be able to combine useful with pleasant!

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