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5 Importance of Chemistry in Daily Life

Importance of Chemistry

Chemistry is the branch of science that deals with the properties and composition of different substances and their chemical reactions and properties. It is concerned with the substance from which it is formed. It is the study of properties, characteristics, physical and chemical changes of that matter.

In other words, chemistry is the study of the interaction of matter and energy.

Importance of Chemistry in Daily Life

Chemistry is essential in our daily life because:

  • Our body is composed of many chemicals, and at the very minute, even in every second, various chemical reactions occur in our body. Biochemistry is a subject concerned with the study of the chemical composition and function of living organisms that has numerous applications in daily life.
human anatomy
  • Everything is composed of chemicals. Our food, drugs, world, sun moon start everything is made up of chemicals even the changes that occur in the universe e is the cause of chemical reactions.
  • In cooking, chemistry elaborates us how to cook food, preserve it, use ingredients to make our food tasty and the food that is helpful for our body.
  • It helps you understand the proper use of drugs, medicine, or supplements and enables you to judge whether that supplement is helpful or harmful.
  • Cleaning is the essential part of chemistry that explains which cleaner is the best for dishes, clothes, etc. It helps you to decide how disinfectants, soaps and detergents work.

Agricultural Fields

chemical fertilizers

In this field, chemicals are used by farmers and gardeners. They use chemicals to prevent their plants and crops from insects, bacteria, and fungi. These chemicals are insecticides, fertilizers, and pesticides. These chemicals are used to avoid and to get the best results on the day of harvest. Farmers use these pesticides to kill insects like grasshoppers, bugs, etc. Moreover, it helps to prevent the growth of fungus, bacteria, or viruses on the crops. To know more about viruses and bacterial life cycles, we can study that under Biology.

Industrial Fields

chemical industry

Industries widely use chemicals to manufacture different products like blocks of cement, paints, tiles, furniture, food preservatives, and every little thing. All the products manufactured in industries go through various chemical reactions, such as in the cement industry, sand is mixed with some chemicals so that high-quality cement reaches us.

Medicinal Fields 

drugs and supplements

Chemistry gives massive help in medicinal fields. More often, the drugs are used to prevent and treat the disease made up of chemicals. It helps us know the actual composition of medication and understand the chemical nature of the drugs. We can diagnose various diseases and get knowledge about the benefits and effects of drugs through chemistry. Furthermore, it helps us to form new drugs that are more powerful to cure diseases and infections.



The primary components of the computer are microchips that come in silicon. The use and properties of silicon are discovering by chemistry. The laptop’s main body is made up of plastic that is also the composition due to the chemical industry.

Household Appliances

household appliances

Chemicals exist in our house like cleaners, soaps, shampoo, and detergents, etc. We use all these to remove the stains or to clean dishes, clothes, and floors, etc. Regular chemical reactions occur in our surroundings, for example, the fire that blows in our stove every day.

The gas in the pipes or tires of any vehicle, the candle, the burning fuel, even a burning match stick is the result of a chemical reaction. Preservatives that we use to preserve our food. A refrigerator that we use also contains many chemicals that take the surrounding air and cool down things.

Microwave to warm and refresh the food also has some chemicals inside it to heat or refresh.


Chemistry and its advancements are needed for the betterment of technology. It helps us to explore the universe. Using chemistry principles, we can analyze and extract different metals and form a new kind of plastic or any metal.

Plastics and metals are used in every field of life like households, hospitals, transportation, schools, and offices, etc.; new gadgets are also formed due to chemistry. Due to chemistry, we can make more new things like phones, tablets, clothes, shoes, bags, many types of medicines, new treatments, and many more.

In shorts, every manufactured thing has linked with chemistry, so chemistry is one of the essentials of our life.

3 thoughts on “5 Importance of Chemistry in Daily Life”

  1. Nabagulanyi Whitney Joyce

    Thank you so much for the help, am still in s1 secondary School in Kampala Uganda this is going to help me much, am Nabagulanyi Whitney Joyce

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