Over 2,000 years ago, the Romans picked oysters from the Adriatic Sea and later over the Mediterranean. They’re now a well-known product that people all over the world buy and eat. The oyster is classified as a bivalve mollusk. There are many reasons why oysters are so crucial to the coastal biome and ecosystem. They feed on single-celled plants by filtering the water in their immediate vicinity at a rate of 25 gallons per day. You’ll feel better and have more energy because of the gorgeous zinc bivalve oyster. As an added benefit, zinc strengthens bones and the immune system. It also reduces acne and rashes.
Here you’ll get an idea of how long oysters can stay fresh and edible in the Fridge.
How Long Oyster can Stay in Fridge?
For centuries, how long anything perishable last has been a common issue. We’ve all wondered that at some point in our life, most notably in front of the refrigerator. It’s easy to tell whether something needs to be thrown out if it has a strange odor or visible mold. Oysters, for example, don’t have a “Best Bye” date, but they’re nonetheless perishable.
It is common knowledge that dates indicate whether or not food is still fresh or safe to consume, but what exactly does “fresh” imply when it comes to oysters? No date bias has been taken into account in quality evaluations. Oyster freshness is being missed since the industry is so focused on harvest dates and marketing.

An oyster that is still alive can be eaten. Oysters can be kept in the refrigerator for up 10 to 21 days if they are correctly cared for.
Do they still Exist?
Oysters that have died inside their shells are no longer fit for human consumption. If the shells of your oysters are closed or close when lightly touched, they are alive.
Oysters that are appropriately preserved can remain safe to eat for an extended period. In the past, oysters were kept in cellars or pits during the winter and eaten during the colder months.
How to Store Raw Oyster?
The best way to keep raw oysters fresh is to place them in an airtight bag and cover them with ice or gel packs when purchasing them locally.
Check that their more giant shell is on the bottom to ensure they are facing the correct way up. By covering the container with a moist towel and storing the oysters in the refrigerator, you can extend their shelf life.
You can also use perforated steam pans to keep the oysters chilled. The water that drips from the melting ice should be collected in a separate container below the pan. As a result, the oysters will retain their fresh flavor while also avoiding water immersion.
You can store oysters in the following four ways. Several best oyster bars, restaurants, and hotels rely on the same method of oyster storage.
- Open the oyster box when it arrives and inspect the shells to make sure they are intact.
- Using a stiff brush, scrub the oyster shells under cold running water. Finally, set the oysters “cup down” on any flat tray and serve them. As a result, even if the oysters open slightly while being stored, their liquor (the transparent pool of seawater in their shells) should remain inside the cupped shell.
- You can use a damp tea towel or cloth to cover the oysters. While the oysters are in the Fridge, check if the tea towel or cloth is still damp.
- If you’re using a freezer, put the tray on the shelf closest to your freezer. Ideally, the refrigerator temperature should be between 4 and 8 degrees Fahrenheit; it should never be lower than 4 degrees.
- Oysters should not be steamed or washed. The best way to enjoy oysters is to shuck them right before you eat them. It’s also easier to store oysters in their shells. It decreases the risk of spoilage.
- The freezer is a great place to keep your pre-shucked oysters if they come in a plastic container.
- Leave the oysters with their dirt and grit. As a result, the meat will be kept moist and well-insulated.

Oysters can be kept in their shells for up to five days if they are correctly stored. If you don’t eat them within five days, you can shuck them and preserve them in the fridge for another 5 or 10 days in a sealed container with their water. If you find that oyster’s mouth is wide open, indicating that it is either feeble or dead. It is also a signal that the oyster is weak, wounded, or dying because it is dehydrated, and if the oyster gives a bad smell, don’t eat.
The quality of oysters depends on how it managed and stored. Suppose if you follow storing instructions correctly; then oysters can be eaten for up to 30 days after harvest. And up to 14 days after harvest, it can maintain an oyster’s “freshness” or quality.

Hi, my name is Eva. I am currently practicing as a clinical social worker, that being my childhood desire. As a licensed therapist holding MPhil in Clinical Psychology, I am now on biomadam to provide the natives with the best family advice! Do you have any questions? See you in the comment section.