There are many reasons why seafood should be a regular part of your diet. Not only is it delicious, but it also offers a wealth of health benefits that you can’t find in other foods. In this article, we will discuss eight of the main health benefits of eating seafood. Seafood is a powerhouse of nutrients that can help reduce your risk of heart disease, improve cognitive function, and prevent cancer, to name a few. So next time you’re at the grocery store, be sure to add some seafood to your cart!
Heart Health
A wealth of research shows that seafood can help reduce your risk for cardiovascular disease, including heart attacks and strokes.
By eating seafood and reducing the amount of saturated fat in your diet, you can significantly reduce your risk for heart disease. This is particularly true if you have high cholesterol since eating fish will benefit this condition. For instance, a clinical study showed that consuming salmon twice per week lowered triglycerides by 39 percent and increased HDL cholesterol levels by 33 percent in study subjects with moderately elevated triglyceride levels.

To achieve this benefit, aim to eat two servings of fish a week, which is equivalent to about 8 ounces of cooked seafood or one standard can of tuna per week.
Lobsters, oysters, and other shellfish are also great choices to incorporate into your weekly diet. You can even do the best mail order lobster comparison of different companies which can be easily found on the internet. The perks of technology offer delivery services that can bring you seafood at a low price and high quality to your house.
Another important health benefit of seafood is the omega-3 fatty acids that it contains. DHA and EPA are types of omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for healthy body function. When you eat seafood, your body can absorb these nutrients more effectively than when these oils come from other sources like plants or supplements.
However, these days, many processed foods are packed with omega-3 fatty acids that come from plants, which often have lower concentrations than the DHA and EPA found in seafood. This is problematic because too much omega-3 can result in an unbalanced ratio of this essential fatty acid, causing inflammation.

Seafood also contains vitamin B12, a nutrient required to form red blood cells. By eating seafood, you will increase your intake of vitamin B12 and promote red blood cell production.
Cognitive Function
Seafood is also well known for improving brain function. For instance, DHA plays an important role in cognitive development, which makes seafood an excellent choice for pregnant women and children. As a result, researchers have found that babies born to mothers who ate high amounts of seafood during pregnancy score higher on intelligence tests at age four than other babies.
Cognitive function is also shaped by the process of neurogenesis, which is when new brain cells are produced. Researchers have found that our brains can’t produce new neurons postnatal day one, but seafood contains ample levels of vitamin B12 and omega-3 fatty acids to support this important life event.
Prevention Of Cancer
Seafood is also known to help prevent several types of cancer, including prostate, breast, ovarian, endometrial, lung, pancreatic, esophageal, and colon cancers. If you are at increased risk for cancer, you can benefit from eating seafood regularly because it contains high levels of selenium. This mineral is important for producing antioxidant proteins that promote the elimination of free radicals.
On the other hand, if you already have cancer, seafood can help slow tumor growth and spread the disease. This is true because omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil work as anti-inflammatory agents that reduce the incidence of cell mutations that lead to cancer. This way, they reduce the risk of cancerous cells proliferating.
In addition to this, seafood also has high levels of vitamin E, which is an antioxidant that protects cells from damage caused by free radicals. This nutrient can suppress tumor growth in cancer patients, and help prevent metastasis, a condition when malignant cells move from one organ to another.
Helps with Mental Disorders
Seafood can also help reduce the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, as well as depression. For instance, many sufferers of depression benefit from eating seafood rich in omega-3 fatty acids because these oils promote neurons to send signals between brain cells more effectively.

Seafood can also promote mental wellness, especially since it contains high levels of vitamin D. This nutrient is important to maintain healthy bones and teeth, preventing autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis, reducing inflammation, supporting cardiovascular health, and improving mood. For this reason, researchers have found that low levels of vitamin D are associated with depression or major depressive diseases or disorders.
Seafood also contains choline, a nutrient required for healthy brain function and improving memory. In fact, researchers have found that adults over the age of 65 with higher concentrations of plasma choline were better able to remember information than those who had low levels of this nutrient.
Other General Health Benefits
In addition to the above, there are other general health benefits of eating seafood.
- Seafood is a rich source of selenium, which can help reduce inflammation and promote healthy skin, hair, nails, and vision. It can also help slow the aging process by protecting the skin from free radical damage. In fact, many women have taken to eating sushi as a way to improve their skin glow.
- Seafood also contains magnesium, which promotes healthy bones and helps the body metabolize glucose into usable energy.
- Seafood is known to lower the risk of type 2 diabetes by reducing inflammation, it can help prevent insulin resistance, which causes cells to ignore the hormone’s signal to absorb glucose from the bloodstream.
- In some cases, eating seafood can also help manage symptoms of certain autoimmune disorders like arthritis and rheumatism.
- Those who eat seafood report higher levels of satisfaction with their diets and experience lower incidences of hunger, which is beneficial for weight loss
Eating seafood is one of the most important things we do to improve our health. Seafood offers a myriad of benefits, including lowering your risk for heart disease and cancer, improving cognitive function, helping with mental disorders such as depression or dementia, and providing general health benefits like improved skin quality. This article has shown you how eating plenty of fish can have an impact on all aspects of your life!

Hi, they call me Jenna, and I am also known for achieving a gold medal during my Ph.D. in science life. I always had a dream to educate people through my utmost writing hobby. So, I chose this blogging path, and Biomadam gave me this opportunity to present for them. I now stand to entertain you. Continue reading my articles & discuss if you’ve any confusion through the comment section below.