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6 Things you Need to Know About Healthcare Marketing


The healthcare market has a particular and specialized marketing approach due to the many restrictions and concerns in disclosing information about patients. The health sector falls under the regulations of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act known as HIPAA, which impacts the ability of marketers to comprehend and accept the perception of privacy in this critical market. The challenges of marketing in the healthcare care sector are quite complex and very demanding, however, marketers in this field should always seek innovative and unique strategies and tactics to reach their goals. Here are 6 things you need to know about healthcare marketing.

The Importance of Healthcare Marketing

The healthcare industry is a continuously evolving and developing market. In order to attract and engage more clients, you should always ensure you are delivering the right information and providing your patients with the best possible care. A marketing strategy that helps in the recognition of your healthcare brand as well as delivering the best experience for its patients can achieve remarkable success. Gathering information and offering patients various resources and valuable content helps to stand out in this competitive market. Investing in outstanding healthcare marketing techniques helps in promoting related services. These services include preventive care, physical therapy, laboratory tests, diagnostic care, such as CT Scan and X-ray, nutritional programs, and a myriad of other healthcare services.


Engaging Content and SEO

Due to the restrictions that the HIPAA apply to this sector, traditional digital marketing practices, such as displaying website ads that encourage users to return are prohibited to protect patients’ information and safeguard their privacy. As a result, marketers find it difficult to retarget viewers who visited their ads on the website. The best solution that would allow healthcare providers to gain new patients without being accused of breaching personal information is to create engaging and valuable content fed with search engine optimization.

You can also read more about SEO placement, which is considered one of the best ways to target local potential clients in your area. Another beneficial digital marketing tactic to reach a more targeted audience is using PPC or pay-per-click tools and calls to action through social media advertising and Google Ads.

Changing Negative Perceptions of Healthcare Services

Building trust and increasing patient loyalty have to be the fundamental goals of any marketing strategy followed by healthcare providers. Unfortunately, the problems associated with health coverage and drug prices have generated unsatisfactory feedback from patients and have created trust issues in the healthcare industry. Changing negative perceptions that built up due to bad patient experiences should be the priority and the core of healthcare providers marketing strategies. Testimonials, online reviews, leadership campaigns, and automated surveys have a great impact on emphasizing that patient satisfaction is the focal point of the organization. Positive reviews and word of mouth are extremely powerful and instrumental in boosting referrals.

Target Audience

Your target audience can possibly be someone who’s looking for a trusted source of medical information and not necessarily a patient seeking healthcare. Many health organizations do not see that as a beneficial aspect and do not categorize them among their target audience. This is a completely misguided approach, which usually leads to a loss of potential clients in the future. Healthcare marketing strategies should focus on emphasizing being a trusted source as a healthcare organization. Marketing campaigns should be driven to serve clear goals in fulfilling their audience’s needs including offering valuable and reliable medical information and knowledge through their social media and website content.

The Importance of Making Data-Driven Decisions

In order to make any decisions concerning marketing strategies, campaigns, and advertising organizations should invest in tools that generate accurate and sufficient data, measurable impacts, and more structured spending. Any business decisions have to be data-driven. The data generated from utilizing and understanding the sources of traffic and spotting areas rich in website navigation are quite beneficial and effective for future marketing improvements and enhancements. Using tools such as Google Analytics will reveal high and low-traffic pages, as well as, provide marketers with guidance in focusing on effective strategies that help to increase potential leads.

The Impact of Healthcare Insurance on Consumer’s Decisions


One of the greatest challenges that marketers usually face in the healthcare industry is the impact of insurance providers in this sector on patients and their decisions. A wise tactic is to target health insurance companies along with consumers all in one hit. Healthcare insurance providers have been key players and dominators in influencing patients’ decisions concerning how and where to receive their medical care. Therefore, marketing campaigns of healthcare organizations and providers should be designed for and directed toward both individuals and insurance companies.

The biggest challenges for marketers in the healthcare industry lie in the resistance to change, the negative perspective of public health, health insurance companies and how great their influence on patients, and the restrictions set by the HIPAA on getting clients’ information. Despite these challenges, the healthcare industry is a rapidly growing and developing market. Technological advancement and innovative digital marketing techniques play a significant role in attracting a target audience.

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