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Difference Between Biome and Ecosystem


Struggling to understand the difference between biome and ecosystem? When we talk about classifying multiple species into its subspecies and different levels of an organization, we come across the terms like habitat, ecosystem, biomes, biospheres, etc. Various ecosystems combine within the same environmental conditions, constructing a biome.

On the other side, an ecosystem is formed when all the biotic and abiotic factors bubble together and maintain life. The main criteria for distinguishing both these terms are the geographical region. A biome covers a large portion, including several ecosystems, while an ecosystem is the collection of living beings and non-living things in a limited area.

We will discuss other fundamental differences between the two in detail below. Before that, we collected a comparison chart between the biome and ecosystem for our better understanding.

Comparison Chart

DescriptionSeveral ecosystemsA single ecosystem
Ecological UnitLargerSmaller
of Climate
Changes with
changings in climate
No visible effect
of climatic changes
of Latitude
Influence of
positions of latitude
No role of latitude
in changing an ecosystem
Role of
Animal Life
All animals do
not necessarily interact
Interaction with abiotic
factors is necessary
ExamplesConiferous forests, tundra,
temperate forests, etc.
Aquatic, coral reefs,
marine life ecosystem, etc.

Define Biome

A biome is defined as a group of regions consisting of the natural flora of plants, animals, and their associated factors. It usually develops concerning the atmospheric and other non-living elements, such as variations in rainfall, temperature changes, latitude alterations, and much more. The state of latitude has a strong influence on biomes. At lower latitudes, the biomes endure heavy sun rays than at higher latitudes making them warmer and full of moisture. When talking about its geographical size, it consists of several ecosystems with numerous communities. You will always observe two or more ecosystems in a particular biome. It rounds up an enormous continental portion of the Earth, including the most biotic and abiotic factors.


Define Ecosystem

An ecosystem is the intercommunication of living organisms with non-living things in a specified region. All those units, creating an ecosystem, communicate with each other through natural food chains and food webs, and ultimately sustain life. Besides embracing living entities and non-living things, an ecosystem contains other factors, such as soil and water.


They play an essential part in creating an ecosystem and being a great source of nutrition. Hence, organisms living in an ecosystem consume them and correlate them with other environmental factors to maintain a system. Furthermore, despite having different species, an ecosystem is still not immense as a biome. There are multiple ecosystems found in a single biome. An ecosystem is well-defined through the interaction between biotic and abiotic factors rather than considering its geographical area.

Check the Similarities Between Biome & Ecosystem

Before heading towards the differences between the two, let’s check a few similarities as well.

  • Whether it’s a biome or an ecosystem, both units define different species and genera cooperating in a definite geographical portion.
  • These ecological units consist of living organisms that interact with non-living things and the environment.

Find Out the Differences Between Biome & Ecosystem

Brief Definition


It is explained as a big geological zone that covers up a maximum number of plants and wildlife interacting with each other.


An ecosystem is set in a limited territory with all the biotic and abiotic units communicating.

Geographical Region


It is a larger unit containing many ecosystems.


It is a comparatively smaller geographical region.

Influence of Climatic Changes


A biome easily gets affected by changes in the climate. For example, shift in environmental temperature, alterations in rainfall, etc.


There is no visible change seen in an ecosystem with the changes in climatic conditions.

Presence of Wild Life



Although a biome has proper wildlife (animals), it’s still unnecessary for them to socialize.


On the other hand, living organisms in an ecosystem have to interact and attain their position in the food chain, as it runs on the phenomenon of “survival of the fittest.”

Effect of Latitude


The position of latitude highly affects a biome. Lower latitudes make a biome warmer than the higher latitudes, where the biomes are seen colder.


There is no visible influence of latitudes on an ecosystem.



There are several biome examples, such as grasslands, tropical rainforests, deserts, etc.


Examples of ecosystems are human ecosystems, marine ecosystems, coral reefs, aquatic ecosystems, etc.

Bottom Line

There has always been a sense of confusion when understanding some ecological terms, like ecosystem, community, biome, etc. As we have reviewed the differences between biome and ecosystem, we hope the perplexity is all clear now! A biome is known to be distributed widely, containing many different ecosystems. Whereas on the contrary, a single ecosystem is limited to the interactions between its specific biotic and abiotic elements. Both these terms are correlated, with the biome being influenced by environmental changes and the ecosystem showing the minimal effect of it.

1 thought on “Difference Between Biome and Ecosystem”

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