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Fun Things to Do in Vienna for Young Adults


When you think of Vienna, you think of churches, theaters, museums, palaces, and a deep historical vibe. It is a cultural city that has given the world some of the greatest artists. But did you know Vienna is more than culture and history? It is a beautiful city with numerous activities for people of all age groups. The city offers bars, restaurants, outdoor festivals, and many more fun things to do in Vienna for young adults.

Vienna does not occupy much space on the map but trust us, 2 to 3 days are nothing to explore it. You will enjoy every moment of your trip to Vienna.

This article covers everything you can do in this gorgeous city. So, let’s get started!

Fun and Unique Activities for Young Adults in Vienna

Vienna, the capital of Austria, is a wonderful tourist spot for people of all ages, especially young adults. It familiarizes you with the region’s rich history and art and offers unique experiences you will never forget.

Whether you want to explore the magnificent palaces in the region, experience wine tasting, go pub crawling, or watch free movies under the stars – Vienna has it all!

The best part is that you can explore cities that are worth the visit, like Prague, Budapest, and Bratislava on day trips. What’s better than that, uh?

So, let’s quickly tell you all the fun things to do in Vienna for young adults.

Visit the Schönbrunn Palace & Gardens

You will find the Schönbrunn Palace & Gardens on the top of every list mentioning the best things to do in Vienna, and it isn’t wrong either!

Vienna is known for its palaces and museums; this one is a favorite among locals and tourists. It is a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage Site, named after a spring found by Emperor Matthias in 1612.

The palace covers around 500 acres of land and has over 1,440 rooms with magnificent lush gardens. Tour the Schönbrunn Palace, stroll through the park, and later visit the Imperial Carriage Museum. You can also pay respect to the burials at Hietzing Cemetery.

Explore Antique Masterpieces at Kunsthistorisches Museum

While we want to tell you about all the fun party activities in Vienna for young adults, we cannot miss the unique, historical elements of the city.


The Kunsthistorisches Museum is Vienna’s historic art museum that displays Rembrandt, Rubens, and Raphael masterpieces. You can find art pieces worldwide, including Egyptian objects and Austrian antiques.

It is not as fun as night parties and game arcades; it allows you to connect with the city’s history and culture.

Visit Madame Tussauds

Madame Tussauds museums are globally famous because of their wax statues of celebrities around the world. And Vienna also has one!

A visit to the Madame Tussauds is a must in Vienna. It has wax statues of the most widely known international celebrities and local big names.

Have Fun at the Flip Lab

What could be a better way to enjoy your time in Vienna than visiting Flip Lab?


Flip Lab in Millennium City is a fun and energetic place to enjoy trampolines and backflips. The play gym has 12 different zones with a spectator lounge as well. It is the best among the fun things to do in Vienna for young adults.

It is perfect for everyone including teens, young adults, and adults young at heart!

Go on a Sightseeing Tour

Vienna is full of hop-on-hop-off bus tours to explore the city before you decide to visit the city landmarks. The audio guide tells you the history and culture of the city and must-visit places. You can also use the bus service to hop off at landmarks like the Natural History Museum, Vienna State Opera, Schonbrunn Palace, and Albertina.

All-day tickets for as long as six days make it incredibly easy to explore the city economically.

Visit the Magnificent Hofburg Imperial Palace

Vienna also allows you to experience where those in power live – the Hofburg Imperial Palace.


This palace has been the seat of power since the 13th century and was home to dynasties before becoming the home of the Austrian President later. While roaming the palace, you can also check out the Crown Jewels in Kaiserliche Schatzkammer Wien.

It is surely an amazing experience you might not get anywhere else!

Believe the Unbelievable at the Museum of Illusions

The Museum of Illusions is the right place to blow your mind with unbelievable illusions. Whether you visit the museum with your family, friends, or by yourself, it is an enjoyable, fun activity.

The museum has a crooked room, vortex tunnel, and over 70 puzzles and pieces to enjoy your time to the fullest!

Look at 1000 Clocks

Have you ever watched 1000 clocks at once? If you have not, do not miss the opportunity at Vienna!


Vienna’s Clock Museum has 1,000 clocks that display timeless craftsmanship for everyone who loves culture and history. It is a time-consuming activity but feels amazing to be in a space with 1,000 wall clocks.

Get Amazed by Dinosaur Skeletons at the Vienna Natural History Museum

While we cannot see dinosaurs today, we can definitely see their skeletons at the Vienna Natural History Museum. The museum also has unique historical artifacts and meteorites beside dinosaur skeletons.

Whether you are in your teens or a young adult in your twenties looking for exciting places in Vienna, you will love your visit to the museum.

Participate in a Scavenger Hunt

What’s better than a scavenger hunt with your friends, especially in a different country?


The scavenger hunt gives you hints about different locations in the city to receive the next clues. It is one of the most fun things to do in Vienna for young adults and an interesting way to navigate through the city.

Enjoy an Opera Show

Opera is not everyone’s definition of a fun evening in Vienna, but many young tourists enjoy this exciting experience. The Vienna State Open has over 300 performances yearly, besides the annual Vienna Opera Ball. It is perfect when taking a break from roaming around the city all day! Youngsters often love enjoying Christmas Eve and there is nothing better than exploring amazing shows in the State Opera House on these special Christmas days.

Visit the Turtle Heaves – Haus des Meeres

Haus des Meeres, Aqua Terra Zoo, is an aquarium and zoo with over ten thousand aquatic organisms and plentiful turtles. However, you can also see sharks and various varieties of fish besides gorgeous turtles. It has an observation deck and a wartime museum to observe war-related objects.


The unique fact about Haus des Meeres is its presence in a World War II flak tower. Isn’t it so interesting!

Taste Wine

Wine tasting is an exquisite experience you must not miss when you have the opportunity. Young adults of drinking age can enjoy wine tasting in the Danube and Wachau Valleys.

The expansive ancient vineyards in the region produce some of the finest Austrian wine. You can find many guided tours to these vineyards to taste and experience wine-making along the Danube River.

Attend a Mozart Concert at Kursalon Palace

If you have never attended a concert in a majestic palace, what’s stopping you?

You can enjoy a Johann Strauss and Mozart concert at the Kursalon Palace that takes you to a magical world of music. The classical music inspired by the best, combined with the 19th-century palace vibes, takes you to the golden music era.


You can get the concert tickets online and end your day with a delicious dinner at the Palace restaurant.

Ride the Wiener Riesenrad

When discussing fun things to do in Vienna for young adults, how can we not mention the Wiener Riesenrad?

Wiener Riesenrad is Vienna’s giant Ferris wheel; it is a popular tourist attraction and an iconic landmark on the city skyline. Wiener Riesenrad gives you the best city views that will live forever in your memories.

The best part? There are many other games and activities at The Prater for young visitors!

Go to the Open House Architecture

While Vienna has so much more to offer, the architecture is an important part of visiting this city. If you are a young tourist interested in exploring the history of different locations, you will love the open house architecture event. The event takes place in September when you can see inside some of the closed-off buildings.


Enjoy a Movie under the Stars

If you are looking for a free movie under the stars, the best time to visit Vienna is from May to September.

The Austrian Film Museum and Synema hosts free award-winning movies at Karlsplatz Vienna during summer. The exquisite collection of movies attracts film lovers throughout the city.

Appreciate the Street Art

If you are an artist who loves street art, you must take a Street Art Tour in Vienna to go around the city’s stunning art pieces.


Taking a Street Art Tour with a local artist allows you to observe the artwork of some of the renowned names in the region. The best thing about art tours is they do not care what language you speak as the art speaks itself!

Segway Your Day through Vianna

While you might not find Segway as a common transport in many other parts of the world, Austrians enjoy it quite much.

When visiting Austria, you can cruise the city on a Segway scooter. You can also find Segway tours in the city where the tour guide takes you through some of the remarkable locations like the Hofburg Imperial Palace, City Hall, and Opera House.

Bike through Vienna

Besides Segway tours, you can go through the city on a bike like the locals which falls among the fun-filled, cheap activities in Vienna. Numerous services rent bikes to roam around the city. Choose one and get your bike for the day to visit different historical landmarks.


Take a Vienna Helicopter Tour

If it sits with your budget, there is no better way to see this gorgeous city than a helicopter ride. You can connect to one of the helicopter tour operators in the region and enjoy the aerial view of historic locations like Klosterneuburg Monastery and Castle Kreuzenstein.

Go Kayaking

While you can go on a boat ride or cruise on the Danube River, the Old Danube offers an amazing kayaking experience all young tourists love!


The Old Danube was a part of the main Danube before it diverted in 1870 due to continuous flooding. Kayaking at Old Danube is the perfect way to observe Vienna’s riverside’s changing landscape.

Cruise in Danube

The Danube is a romantic and fun location for young people visiting Vienna and Budapest. You can reach it through the subway and walk down the river’s edge to enjoy the soft breeze on summer days.

Cruising and boating at the Danube River is a must-have on the list of fun things to do in Vienna for young adults. It might not be the exact idea of a party for many young tourists, but you will cherish the mesmerizing sunset for a long time.

Visit Budapest

Budapest is around 242 kilometers from Vienna, and it takes 2 hours and 34 minutes to reach the capital of Hungary. If you are in Vienna for over a day, you can plan a short trip to Budapest.


Budapest is lovely, with numerous historical sites, cafes, and shops to explore. Do not forget to visit Buda Castle while in the city.

Boat Away to Bratislava

If you want to add another country to your tour, visiting the Slovakian capital, Bratislava is a perfect choice!

Like Budapest, this city is also not much farther from Vienna, and you can do a short day trip quickly. The best way to enjoy your trip to Bratislava is to take a boat to this contemporary town. Do not forget to visit the ancient ruins of Devin Castle and the ancient vineyards in Bratislava.

Take a Day Trip to Prague

Who knew you could visit so many countries on one short trip?


The next one on our list is a day trip to Prague for young adults! It is exactly where you can view the astronomical clock and is a few hours from Vienna and offers terrific views you will love. The city has magnificent ancient buildings dating back thousands of years. The Old Town Hall has the astronomical clock installed in 1410. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in the city.

Explore the Local Pubs and Bars

Vienna has numerous bars, pubs, and clubs to offer where you can socialize and enjoy booze. Some local tour guides also offer solo and group pub crawls that take you through Vienna’s popular pubs and bars for a fun night out. It is undoubtedly one of the top fun things to do in Vienna for young adults.

Enjoy a Hearty Meal at Naschmarkt

Naschmarkt is Vienna’s most famous 16th-century food and flea market. The stalls at Naschmarkt start setting up as early as 4 a.m. It is everyone’s favorite spot to buy fresh organic produce, including vegetables, fruits, cheese, and meat.


The market also offers a wide array of bakery items. You can enjoy a hearty meal at Naschmarkt with its multiple food options from different cuisines like Turkish, Korean, and local Austrian foods.

Embark on a Virtual Reality Tour

The virtual reality tour by Sisi takes you through Vienna’s history in an interesting and modern way. You get to know everything about the city, including its history and landmarks. The tour is light-hearted and humorous instead of a boring history class from the empress.

Fine-dine at Das LOFT

As we move towards the end of the list of fun things for young Adults in the city, an exquisite dinner at Das LOFT is a must-mention.


Das LOFT at SO/VIENNA Hotel is the perfect place to enjoy modern cuisine with a view. It is on the 18th floor of the hotel, with floor-to-ceiling glass windows to ensure you enjoy every minute of your dinner.

The lip-smacking meal combined with the breathtaking views makes it worth every penny.

Experience 24 Hours in 24 Minutes

Though Miniatur Tirolerland is the last on the list of fun things to do in Vienna for young adults, it is definitely one of the most exciting.

The Miniatur Tirolerland is a miniature world that shows you trains, cars, and other buildings in miniature form. You can see 24 hours displayed in 24 minutes with movements throughout the miniature showcase. It shows all the different parts of the day, amazing you every second!

The Bottom Line

Vienna, Austria’s capital, is a beautiful city with endless activities for everyone. Vienna has everything whether you want to experience the history and culture through palaces or go pub crawling at night. Besides palaces and museums, some fun things to do in Vienna for young adults include visiting the Flip Lab, riding the Wiener Riesenrad, getting your mind blown at the Museum of Illusion, and trying a scavenger hunt. Moreover, you can take day trips to Budapest, Prague, and Bratislava.

So, are you planning your trip to Vienna already? Pick your favorite activities to enjoy it to the fullest!

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