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Is Distilled water Soft water

We hear different words for hygienic water, such as distilled water, boiled water, soft water, or purified water. But the question usually clicking our minds is which one is safer to drink? When talking about distilled and soft water, people often confuse the two terms and use them interchangeably. Even if the terminologies stay apart, the next question arises: which is better, distilled water or soft water?

That is why people have introduced many water-cleaning methods with the increasing risk of water contamination. One of them is the distillation process. Let’s grab the differences between distilled and soft water to know if they’re similar or dissimilar.

What is Distilled Water?


As we already know, the spring water is fresh and contains all the minerals that quality water must have. At the same time, many houses have access to contaminated water that is not suitable to drink. Experts suggest cleaning that water through the process of distillation.

Industries gain distilled water by removing all the impurities from soft water that come filtered from hard water. The entire process terminates all the minerals. Distilled water is safe to drink. Read here to know if distilled water is same as deionized water or not.

How is Water Distilled?

The water initially boils into vapors leaving behind the impurities. These vapors then filter to a separate container while the contaminants (about to boil or unboiled) stay in the original one. So, the impurities and the minerals left behind are trash, and water collected in vapors is pure, light, and tasty. It is considered one of the best types of purified water.

Advantages of Distilled Water


Big industries use distilled water in appliances and machinery. It is also used for medical and chemical instruments. In addition, most people consume distilled water and consider it a refreshing liquid for their daily drinking. It removes all the impurities and contaminants that may hinder the body from absorbing good nutrients. Furthermore, it saves the body from the consumption of chlorine.

It improves digestion and prevents water-borne diseases. It is also a natural detox. The process of distillation is easy and saves you from spending a high amount of money.

Disadvantages of Distilled Water

Though distilled water is clean still, it has some mineral deficiency for drinking purposes.

What is Soft Water?


The water that doesn’t include any dissolved salts, such as iron, calcium, sodium, etc., is called soft water. Soft water was previously the hard water that came into this form through filtration.

How is Water Softened?

In the filtration process, hard water enters the resin tank, where the resin beads attract calcium and magnesium minerals. This method helps the minerals separate and replace themselves with sodium.

Advantages of Soft Water


Soft water is perfect for skin and hair wash. This water is highly effective in reducing scum. The less amount of minerals save your shower, bathtubs, and taps exposure to corrosion.

Moreover, soft water efficiently helps in dishwashing, laundry, and other appliances.

Disadvantages of soft water

It has some cost for one-time installation.


Through the information mentioned above, there are notable differences that make distilled water and soft water dissimilar. Distilled water is used for drinking, and soft water is used for appliances. But, whatever the variations these processes have, the ultimate goal is to clean water. Water experts can help you with the type of water you are using. You can use that water accordingly.

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